Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Effects of pressure offloading in Diabetic foot

Dr Prafullkumar Gamit, Dr Bhavik Baria, Dr Bhaumik Barad, Dr Hiren Parmar

Abstract :

 Background: Diabetic foot is a frequent complication involving the foot of diabetic patient. Diabetic foot poses a significant health problem. It is rather an endemic disease today. Complications involving the foot cause significant pain and suffering, loss of productive time, hospitalization, heavy expenses to the patient, community and nation as well. To add to above vascular insufficiency and neuropathy accompanying the diabetic foot most often necessitate amputation of the limb. Advances in treatment of diabetes have caused increase in life span of diabetic patient which has resulted in an increase in complications of Diabetes Mellitus like vasculopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. This in return has increased the prevalence and incidence of diabetic foot. Material and methods: This is the prospective study of 100 patienrs of diabetic foot during duration of about 2 years. Study group of newly diagnosed cases of Diabetis mellitus with foot lesions requiring surgical care was made. Over a period of 2 ½ years we studied 100 patients of diabetes mellitus with following aims and objectives: To identify the importance of foot care and footwear modifications in the form of pressure offloading, To identify and study effects of pressure offloading in duration of healing and salvaging the limb in a patient of diabetic foot, To compare results in patients of diabetic foot treated with pressure offloading and without pressure offloading, To analyze the results of study and reach a consensus regarding a practical and ideal plan of management for cases of diabetic foot. Results: In our study age varied from 25 years to 85 years. The highest incidence was in age group of 46 to 65 years (57%). Majority of patients were of type 2 i.e. non insulin dependent diabetes. Majority of patients presented with gangrene (25%) or non healing wound (33%) on foot. 62% of patients with offloading got healed completely within 10 weeks. Conclusion: Offloading application in patients with diabetic foot ulcer decreases the time period for complete healing of ulcers and decreases rate of complications.

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Dr Prafullkumar Gamit, Dr Bhavik Baria, Dr Bhaumik Barad, Dr Hiren Parmar Effects of pressure offloading in Diabetic foot International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016

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