Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Effects of Music on Brain

Dr Sanjay Sharma

Abstract :

When the mind is fully concentrated on anything there arises a feeling of inner bliss. Music is harmony of sounds

which can totally engross our minds and can give us state of relaxation. This is why we all enjoy listening to music.
Music activates certain regions of ain which increases the efficiency, intellect of ain. Different types of music have different effects on ain
and it is ultimately the ain which commands our body. We human beings are having thousands of thoughts daily, out of these only few are
worth while other are sheer wastage of time and energy of body. The ain utilizes 20% of total energy of our body. While listening music, ain
is not involved in wasteful expenditure of energy, so we feel energetic and mind can have thoughts which are worth thinking. Always good
quality of music which suits according to our requirement may be preferred.

Keywords :

Music   Calmness   Brain   Relaxation  

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Dr Sanjay Sharma Effects of Music on Brain International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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