Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Effectiveness of Pursed Lip Breathing and Huffing Technique to Improve Breathlessness in Patient with Chronic Bronchitis

Keyur Dobariya, Ankit Nariya

Abstract :

 Chronic cough or mucus production for at least three months in two successive years defined as chronic  onchitis. There is inflammation and Swelling of the lining of the airways is found. The inflammation stimulates production of mucous (sputum), which can cause further obstruction of the airways. It occurs often in cold and flu season, usually  coupled with an upper respiratory infection. 62 years old male farmer, diagnosed as Chronic Bronchitis. His Appetite was lost. Bowel  and bladder were also disturbed. After the examination, different intervention were carried out and the results signify that the pursed  lip eathing is an effective therapeutic intervention for a patient with chronic onchitis for reduction in shortness of eath as well  as in improvement of the endurance capacities

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Keyur Dobariya, Ankit Nariya Effectiveness of Pursed Lip Breathing and Huffing Technique to Improve Breathlessness in Patient with Chronic Bronchitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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