Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Effectiveness of Non–Print Media For Distant Learning

Dr. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui

Abstract :

This paper highlights the pivot role of non–print media in distant learning.the non–print media consists of computer, teleconferencing,videodisc, videotext etc computer is very helpful for all kinds of learning ,particularly for distant learning.It is important device for influencing the learning at all level of schooling. Day by day Computer Assisted Instruction is increasing in the area of teaching learning process.Educational teleconferencing includes audeoteleconferencing, video teleconferencing and computer teleconferencing.Most of the academic institutes uses audeoteleconferencing as means of conversations for distant learners .Videodisc helps to increase the use of television as the consumer use model and education use model.It has its two types, one is capacitance videodisc and the other one is optical videodisc.It is very useful for all kind of learning.Videotext is playing significant role in transmission and two way instruction on general and specific information courses.Non–print media is now becoming heart and soul of our education system, particularly for distant learning.

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Dr. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui Effectiveness of Non-Print Media For Distant Learning International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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