Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Effectiveness of nesting on posture and motor performance among newbornbabies

Ms. K. Prasanna, Mrs. Radhika. M

Abstract :

 Birthing is a traumatic experience for both, the ‘’mother’’ and the ‘’baby’’. Apart from the discomfort and trauma associated with the process of delivery, the baby is suddenly thrust into a world of ight lights, loud sounds and cold environment. The baby cannot tolerate environmental insults and stresses, which may adversely affect their posture and motor development. “Nesting” is a comfort measure that simulates in–utero feeling of lack of space and makes the baby less jittery or prone to startle. Nesting facilitates transformation of sleep pattern from erratic disturbed spells, to deep peaceful nights and contented days, thus conserving energy (may be lost in crying) and minimizing weight loss. OBJECTIVES:– 1. To assess the posture and movement of newborn babies. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of nesting on posture and movement of newborn babies in experimental group. 3. To compare the effectiveness of nesting on posture and movement of newborn babies in experimental group and control group. 4. To associate the effectiveness of nesting on posture and movement of newborn babies with their selected demographic variables. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quasi–experimental–non equivalent control group design was adopted to assess the effectiveness of nesting on posture and movement of newborn babies in selected hospitals, at Nellore, Andra Pradesh. The sample size was 60 new born babies and the purposive sampling was used for selection of subjects. Among them 30 newborn babies were assigned to experimental group and 30 newborn babies to control group.Questionnaire to obtain socio demographic data of baby and mother and modified observational checklist ‘’Albert’s Test of Infant Posture and Motor Assessment Scale’ to assess the posture and movement of newborn babies. Following the pre–test, intervention was given to the newborn babies in the experimental group, i.e., “Nesting” is a comfort measure, that simulates in–utero feeling of lack of space and makes the baby less jittery or prone to startle. The infant can be positioned in prone or on the side with flexed extremities by providing a “nest” with a rolled blanket. The upper part of the baby’s body is slightly raised, resembling a position as the baby is “cradled in the arm’’.Intervention with nesting was provided for 20 min for 2 times for 3days for without intervention in control group. The Post test was done on 4th day modified observational checklist –Albert’s Test of Infant Posture and Motor Assessment Scale’’ to assess the posture and motor performance of newborn babies. Results:–The result shows that in pre–test experimental group14 (46.7%) had satisfactory posture and motor performance, 10 (33.3%) had average posture and motor performance and 6 (20%) had good posture and motor performance whereas in control group 12(40%) had satisfactory posture and motor performance and 10(33.3%) had average posture and motor performance 8(26.7%) had good posture and motor performance. In Post test experimental group, 4(13.3%) had average posture and motor performance 10 (33.3%) had good posture and motor performance 16 (53.4%) had excellent posture and motor performance whereas in control group 10(33.3%) had satisfactory posture and motor performance and 12(40%) had average posture and motor performance 8(26.7%) had good posture and motor performance. conclusion:–The study concluded that nesting is an effectiveness intervention in maintaining good posture and motor performance among newborn babies.

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Ms.K.Prasanna, Mrs.Radhika.M Effectiveness of Nesting on Posture and Motor Performance Among Newbornbabies. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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