Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Effectiveness of Multimedia Courseware for Teaching Enviroenmntal Education at the B.Ed Level

Dr. A. Edward William Benjamin

Abstract :

The advancements of science and technology have changed the world into a knowledge based society. Knowledge about environment is the basic criteria for the human Endeavour of today’s world. Environmental Education is an innovation in the field of education. In the words of UNESCO, integrating technology in to education can help to ing quality education to everyone everywhere and at any time. The present study attempt to find out the effectiveness of multimedia courseware for teaching environmental education at the B.Ed level. This study uses pre test post test control group design with the simple of 62 and by adapting the suitable techniques of evaluations the framed directional hypotheses were proved to be effective or not. Hence this article tries to highlight the unique importance of the need of the knowledge of environmental education at the B.Ed training students is the part and parcel of the training graduates curriculum

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Dr. A. Edward William Benjamin Effectiveness of Multimedia Courseware for Teaching Enviroenmntal Education at the B.Ed Level International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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