Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Effectiveness of Information, Education and Communication module to reduce the level of guilt complex regarding child care among multigravid working mothers of underprivileged community in selected tea estates at Valparai.

Mercyjennifer J, Dr. Jain Vanitha N S

Abstract :


An experimental study was conducted to find out the effect of IEC module on guilt complex among multigravid working mothers (10 in experimental and 10 in control)by multistage random sampling technique at selected tea estates, Valparai. Pre test post test design adopted. Interview and questionnaire method followed to collect data regarding socio demographic variables, guilt complex of mothers and measures adopted by them to overcome guilt. Experimental group of working mothers received IEC module. Control group received no intervention. The result shows significant improvement in the knowledge of adoptive measures in post–test when compared to pre–test score among working mothers in experimental group rather than the control group (p<0.001). The study concluded that IEC module is effective in reducing the guilt complex of multi gravid working mothers regarding child care.

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MercyJennifer J, Dr. Jain Vanitha N S, Effectiveness of Information, Education and Communication module to reduce the level of guilt complex regarding child care among multigravid working mothers of underprivileged community in selected tea estates at Valparai., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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