Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Effectiveness of Different Methods in Teaching Environmental Education to Secondary Students

E. Lavanyapriyadarshini, Dr. R. Annakodi

Abstract :

One of the major challenges facing environmental education today is the growing public attention and concern that education has become blurred with advocacy and that the environmental content in environmental education is no longer based on sound frameworks of natural and social sciences. In order to use technology effectively, educators need to be trained in using technology and they need to develop a good understanding of it. Technology is used to enhance learning, therefore it is important for educators to be comfortable using it to ensure that students get the full advantages of educational technology. Teaching with technology is different from teaching in a typical classroom. The present study is an attempt to analyze the effect of ICT–based teaching of environmental issues amongstudents.  

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E.LavanyaPriyadarshini, Dr.R.Annakodi Effectiveness of Different Methods in Teaching Environmental Education to Secondary Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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