Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Effectiveness of Counselling Programme for Grief Healing and Enhancement of Achievement for the Bereaved Students Affected by Natural Disaster

Dr. R. Gnanadevan, Mr. M. Muthamizhselvan

Abstract :

The present study is aimed to reduce the level of depression, natural disaster anxiety and loneliness and to enhance the self–confidence and academic achievement of bereaved students affected by natural disaster. The Experimental method has been followed for the present study. The study was conducted in the coastal area of Nagappattinam district of Tamilnadu. Purposive sample of 300 male and female bereaved students affected by natural disaster studying in 10 different schools has been selected for the present study. The students selected are subjected to counselling programme developed by the researcher called “Grief Healing Integration and Adaptation Programme”. The duration of the program was 6 weeks (Six sessions for each school). Duration for each session was two hours. The Depression Scale, Natural Disaster Anxiety Scale, Loneliness Scale and Self–Confidence Scale has been developed and standardized by the investigator and administered before and after experimentation. The results of the study indicate that the level of depression, natural disaster anxiety and loneliness of bereaved students affected by natural disaster is high before experimentation. Further it indicates that the self–confidence and academic achievement of bereaved students affected by natural disaster is low before experimentation. It shows that the counselling programme adapted by the investigator is very effective to reduce depression, natural disaster anxiety and loneliness of bereaved students affected by natural disaster. It further shows that the counselling programme is very effective to enhance the level of self confidence and academic achievement of bereaved students affected by natural disaster.

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Dr. R. Gnanadevan, Mr. M. Muthamizhselvan Effectiveness of Counselling Programme for Grief Healing and Enhancement of Achievement for the Bereaved Students Affected by Natural Disaster International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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