Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Effect on optical properties of Aluminum/ Indium doped CdS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis

Y. D. Tembhurkar

Abstract :

 Thin films of Aluminum and Indium doped CdS are prepared by spray pyrolysis method. Spray pyrolysis is a simple and inexpensive method to prepare thin films on large area. From the transmittance studies of Aluminum and Indium in the form of AlCl3 and InCl3 doped CdS, the optical band gap (Eg) decreases. This result is in contradiction to the work of bodh et al who stated that addition of aluminum or Indium, no effect on optical band gap.

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Y. D. Tembhurkar, Effect on optical properties of Aluminum/ Indium doped CdS thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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