Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2020

Effect of various storage media on fracture resistance of the reattached tooth fragments: An in–vitro study.

Dr. Shruti A. Thakre, Dr. Narendra U. Manwar, Dr. Anant A. Heda, Dr. Shravan Rathi, Dr. Neelam Rahul, Dr. Priti Thakare

Abstract :

Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of storage media on fracture resistance of the reattached tooth fragments stored in five different storage medium: dry environment, milk, green tea extract, coconut water and oral rehydration salt. Material and methods: Fifty freshly extracted maxillary incisor teeth were divided into 5 groups of 10 each. Teeth were fractured at incisal third of crown; the fracture fragments were stored for 2 hours in dry environment (Group 1), milk (Group 2), green tea extract (Group 3), coconut water (Group 4) and oral rehydration salt (Group 5). By using simple reattachment technique, fragments were reattached with flowable composite resin. The fracture resistance was measured by a universal testing machine. Statistical analysis was performed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Tukey HSD post hoc test. Results: The maximum mean fracture resistance was seen in milk (Group 2) (314.84 ± 4.398), followed with coconut water (Group 4) (282.45 ± 40.250), oral rehydration salt (Group 5) (271.62 ± 6.704), green tea extract (Group 3) (268.48 ± 4.889) and the least fracture resistance was seen in dry environment (Group 1) (209.16 ± 3.277). Conclusions: From the present study it can be concluded that, fractured fragments stored in milk showed maximum fracture resistance and dry environment showed least fracture resistance. Oral rehydration salt, coconut water and green tea extract can be considered a viable alternative for storage of fractured tooth fragment.

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EFFECT OF VARIOUS STORAGE MEDIA ON FRACTURE RESISTANCE OF THE REATTACHED TOOTH FRAGMENTS: AN IN-VITRO STUDY., Dr. Shruti A. Thakre, Dr. Narendra U. Manwar, Dr. Anant A. Heda, Dr. Shravan Rathi, Dr. Neelam Rahul, Dr. Priti Thakare INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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