Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Effect of Temperature on Battery Life and Performance in Electric Vehicle

Jaydeep M. Bhatt

Abstract :

The performance of an electric vehicle (EV) strongly depends on the performance of its high–voltage battery pack, which is influenced by temperature. The temperature of battery systems for electrical–drive vehicles directly affects vehicle dynamic performance, long–term durability and cost of the battery systems. In cold temperatures, batteries perform poorly because of high internal resistance; The vehicle may start slowly. And at high temperature increase the rate of corrosive reaction so limiting the battery life. With reduce the temperature battery life increases and battery performance reduces gradually. The temperature variation within a cell lead to non uniform rates of battery discharge meaning that the available energy cannot be readily accessed there by reducing the driving range. So uniform temperature distribution must require in battery pack otherwise uneven temperature distribution affect the charging and discharging behaviour. In this paper, describe that how the temperature affect the charging and discharging rate, battery life and battery capacity. Here also discuss some solutions for maintain the temperature uniformity in battery pack of electric vehicle

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Jaydeep M. Bhatt / Effect of Temperature on Battery Life and Performance in Electric Vehicle / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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