Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr. P. G. Thenmozhi

Abstract :

 A Study was conducted to evaluated the quality characteristics of cowpea varieties both gram and dhal packed in glass bottles and in polyethylene bags with and without vacuum. The physical characteristics like length, eadth, thickness, bulk density and 100 grain weight was studied. The moisture content reduced gradually during storage for both whole gram and dhal packed in different packaging materials. The highest protein content was found in variety p152, (24.85) and lowest in variet vcp 8. The protein was found higher in the cowpea dhal samples than the whole gram. During storage as light change in the protein content was found in all the varies and in all treatments. The amino acids lysine and methionine content had slightly reduced during storage in both whole gram and dhal cowpea sample. The reducing sugar showed an increasing trend in all varieties during storage. After 180 days of storage the variety co 4 stored in polyethylene bag with vacuum had maximum reducing sugar for whole gram and the variety vcp8 stored in glass bottle had maximum reducing sugar content for dhal. The total sugar content for dhal reduced during storage. Whole gram cowpea samples had slightly higher total sugar content than the dhal samples. The reducing sugar showed an increasing trend in all varieties during storage. After 180 days of storage the variety co4 stored in polyethylene bag with vacuum had maximum reducing sugar for whole gram and the variety vcp8 stored in glass bottle had maximum reducing sugar content for dhal. The total sugar content for dhal reduced during storage. Whole gram cowpea samples had slightly higher total sugar content than the dhal sample

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Dr.P.G. Thenmozhi Effect of Storage on Selected Cowpea Varieties. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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