Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Effect of Short Term Shavasan Practice on Eeg Pattern in Young Adults

Anuradha Iyer Rajan

Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to find out the effect of short term Shavasan practice on EEG pattern in young medical students. A sample of 82 medical students, was drawn from the I MBBS batches and they were tested for Alpha index(AI) and Alpha appearance time(AAT) in the EEG pattern. 42 students of study group were trained to perform Shavasan, a relaxation technique, for half an hour everyday for a period of twelve weeks. The EEG was taken again after a period of 12 weeks and the scores were compared. There was an increase in Alpha index and reduction in Alpha appearance time after short practice of Shavasan and both were statistically significant. In 40 students who were chosen to make the control group, Alpha index and Alpha appearance time (AI and AAT) were measured in EEG before and after 12 weeks without any practice of Shavasan. The change in their EEG pattern was not significant statistically.

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Anuradha Iyer Rajan Effect of Short Term Shavasan Practice on Eeg Pattern in Young Adults International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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