Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Effect of Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchase Behavior with Reference to Personal Care Products

D. Muthukrishnaveni, Dr. D. Muruganandam

Abstract :

Current market is cluttered with promotions and lucrative marketing offers in any and every category of consumer products. However, consumer Quality still ranges supreme as a bench mark for comparisons, which acts as a prime barrier to consumer responses to different sales promotion schemes. The present paper attempts to investigate the consumer reflection on various sale promotion schemes in the Indian personal care product in according with several other important factors like availability consistency in schemes, packaging and so on. The study highlights consumer responses to various marketing tactics used by different companies and analyses purchase decision made during various sale promotion schemes. It is concluded that sale promotions are considered to be a successful and effective weapon in the hands of the companies to make more sale and influence consumer to purchases personal care products as the consumer are rarely and loyal for this category of products.  

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D. Muthukrishnaveni, Dr. D. Muruganandam / Effect of Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchase Behavior with Reference to Personal Care Products / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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