Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Effect of Preoperative Advice on Anxiety and Intraoperative Co–operation in Primi mothers Undergoing Emergency Caesarean Section

Dr . G. Kasirajan, Dr. M. Shanmuga Sundaram, Dr. Maya

Abstract :


Pregnancy and Surgery are the two most stressful conditions patients can undergo,especially when it is for the first time .An Uncooperative patient or a highly anxious patient may need repeated attempts of successful regional anaesthesia.This Study was done to study the effect of preoperative advice on such patients and its effect on patients cooperation .

Aim of the study:

The objectives of the study is to assess the degree of anxiety in primi mothers posted for LSCS and to compare the intraoperative co operation between the groupwhich received the advice and the group which did not.

Methods and Materials:

This study is a prospective ,randomised, and observational study conducted in tertiary care hospital.200 patients were selected and there were randomised into two groups of 100 each. In the preoperative advice group, patients will be well informed about the procedure, and method of anaesthesia in a elaborate manner. Both the group of patients will receive spinal anaesthesia in a  standardised procedure. The parameters were observed using Covi anxiety scale and results were analysed.

Results and Conclusion:

The results revealed that patient with better educational background had low level of anxiety on preoperative advice .In patient cooperation for spinal anaesthesia, patient in advice group cooperated well compared to patients in non advice group. So this study concludes that  advice will have  a great impact in patient’s anxiety level and cooperation for spinal Anaesthesia .

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr .G.Kasirajan, Dr.M.Shanmuga Sundaram, Dr.Maya, Effect of Preoperative Advice on Anxiety and Intraoperative Co–operation in Primi mothers Undergoing Emergency Caesarean Section, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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