Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2020

Effect of 'OM' chanting in Addition with Conventional Pharmacotherapy in Mild to Moderate COPD Patients: A Prospective Study

Dr Ritabrata Mitra, Dr. Shambo Samrat Samajdar, Dr. Shatavisa Mukherjee, Dr. Anushka Ghosh, Dr Manotosh Sutradhar, Dr. Debarshi Jana, Dr. Saibal Moitra, Dr. Santanu Kumar Tripathi

Abstract :

Background: Yogic eathing practices have been ancient measure ensuring beneficial physiological responses in healthy individuals. Amongst various yogic practices, OM chanting may prove to be an advantageous respiratory exercise for conditions like asthma, COPD etc. Combination of A, U (O) and M, i.e., OM is one of the fundamental symbols used in the yoga tradition, which symbolizes the three states of consciousness i.e., waking state, dream state and deep sleep respectively as per ancient Indian philosophy or metaphysics. The present prospective study probed the effect of OM chanting in improving pulmonary functions and/or perception change for shortness of eath in patients with mild to moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Methodology: This prospective study included 30 mild to moderate stable COPD patients who were randomly allocated to two different study arms– one receiving the conventional pharmacotherapy for COPD and the other group was subjected to protocolised OM chanting as an add–on to the conventional pharmacotherapy. Both the groups were assessed for pulse rate, SpO2 and then subjected to 6 minute walk test (6MWT) and assessed for FEV1 (Post onchodilation), SpO2, pulse rate at both baseline and at the end of 3 months. Anxiety was evaluated using State Trait Anxiety Inventory at both specified intervals. Results were statistically analysed. Results: Non–significant increase in FEV1 % and decrease in pulse rate changes in 6 minute walk test were noted in OM chanting group. No changes in SpO2and 6 minute walk distance were noted in either group. Significant decrease in anxiety scores in both state anxiety and trait anxiety domains and decreased perception of shortness of eath were noted for those in OM chanting group. Conclusion:OM chanting in addition to conventional pharmacotherapy may be effective in decreasing perception of shortness of eath (as per visual analogue scale) in mild to moderate COPD, that can be explained by practice of slow deep eathing instead of rapid shallow eathing during this yogic eathing techniques thereby causing decrease in hyperinflation. However the effect may be more prominent on prolonged intervention, which mandates further research.

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EFFECT OF 'OM' CHANTING IN ADDITION WITH CONVENTIONAL PHARMACOTHERAPY IN MILD TO MODERATE COPD PATIENTS: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY, Dr Ritabrata Mitra, Dr. Shambo Samrat Samajdar, Dr. Shatavisa Mukherjee, Dr. Anushka Ghosh, Dr Manotosh Sutradhar, Dr. Debarshi Jana, Dr. Saibal Moitra, Dr. Santanu Kumar Tripathi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2020

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