Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Effect of nitrogen and phosphorous onin vitro decomposition of wheat crop residues by Stachybotrys atra Corda

Raj Singh, Amit Kumar, Gyanika Shukla, Anju Rani, Vineet Girdharwal

Abstract :

Effects of treatment with nitrogen or phosphorous or their combination on decomposition of wheat internodes, wheat leaves, wheat chaff and straw by Stachybotrys atra Corda was investigated in vitro for 30 days. Wheat leaves showed maximum decomposition followed by mixed, chaff, and wheat in ternodes in control as well as all three replicates. Treatment with nitrogen as well as phosphorous increased the rate of decomposition but it was higher in the case of nitrogen–treated residues. However, treatment with combination of nitrogen and phosphorous resulted in much more increase in the rate of decomposition as compared to that with nitrogen or phosphorous alone. As far as separate parts are concerned, wheat internodes exhibited very good response to nitrogen and phosphorous treatment followed by mixed straw and chaff. In case of wheat leaves decomposition is synergistic with nitrogen followed by phosphorous alone whereas internode shows moderate decomposition as compared to other substrates

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Raj Singh, Amit Kumar, Gyanika Shukla, Anju Rani, Vineet Girdharwal Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous on in vitro Decomposition of Wheat Crop Residues By Stachybotrys atra Corda International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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