Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Effect of Network–Induced Delay on Stability in Networked Control System.

Vinod Kumar, Rajiv Kumar

Abstract :

In this paper, effect of network-induced delay on stability in networked control systems has been discussed. Four conditions of network-induced delay have been considered. In first condition, delay is less than the sampling period. Second, delay is equal to the sampling period. Third, delay is longer than the sampling period and fourth, delay is integer multiple of sampling period. A full state feedback controller has been included in closed-loop system. The problem of stability has been described in two ways, first, in finding the roots of the characteristics equation and second, as a response to the initial conditions of the networked closed-loop system. This work has been illustrated with the help of a numerical example

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Vinod Kumar,Rajiv Kumar Effect of Network-Induced Delay on Stability in Networked Control System. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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