Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Effect of NaCl on Microbial Quality of Dairy Pack Food

S. S. Patil, M. S. Zagare, I. B. Ghorade

Abstract :

Milk being a nutritious food for human being also provides an ideal environment for microbial growth since times immemorial, microorganisms have been playing both useful and harmful roles in human life and this has led to the need of studying these microscopic biological agents extensively. Milk and milk products e.g. milk powder, milk, cheese, curd and ice cream etc. constitute important nutritional components for all age groups and also nutritive for pathogens. Study was carried out by using various microbiological techniques to isolate and identify pathogens. Samples of milk and milk product i,e. Shrikhand was analyzed for pathogen and effect of NaCl on pathogens isolated from milk products. In this study it can be concluded that this milk products poses a serious health risks.

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S.S. Patil, M.S. Zagare, I.B. Ghorade Effect of NaCl on Microbial Quality of Dairy Pack Food International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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