Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Effect of Modulation Instability on Bright Solitons Propagating in Spatially Nonlinear Media

Dr. Brijesh. N. Chawda

Abstract :

A soliton is a localised wave that propagates without change through a nonlinear medium. A two-dimensional ight spatial solitons propagation through a nonlinear medium is possible when the dispersion associated with the wave is balanced by the non- linear change of the properties of the medium which is induced by the wave itself and due to transverse modulation instability eak-up of two- dimensional ight spatial solitons is possible.

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Dr.Brijesh.N.chawda Effect of Modulation Instability on Bright Solitons Propagating in Spatially Nonlinear Media International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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