Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Effect of Lifestyle and Reproductive Factors on Menopausal age

Pragati Chaudhary, Navita Pareek, Bhawana Sharma, Jyoti Sharma

Abstract :

 Menopause occurs in women aged 45 to 60 in healthy well–nourished population worldwide, but can happen earlier or later. Late menopause age is accompanied with complications in women, and in relation to the probability of east and endometrial cancer is especially important. There may be variation in the age at menopause due to several factors such as lifestyle and reproductive factors. Thus the study has been taken up with objective to find association between lifestyle factors and reproductive factors with menopausal age. Present study was conducted in Tonk district of Rajasthan. A sample of 31 women purposively selected from campus of Banasthali University. Questionnaire–cum–interview technique was used for collection of data. A self–constructed and pre–tested questionnaire was used. Statistical measures such as mean, percentage, and chi–square were used. Results indicated that there was found an association between duration of east feeding and age at menopause. No association was found between lifestyle and age at menopause.

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Pragati Chaudhary, Navita Pareek, Bhawana Sharma, Jyoti Sharma Effect of Lifestyle and Reproductive Factors on Menopausal age International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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