Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Effect of Laterality on Morphometric Measurements of Calcaneum

Surendra Pratap, Jyoti Chopra, Anita Rani

Abstract :

 Aims of the study: As calcaneum is the most commonly fractured tarsal bone, so the knowledge of its morphometric features in different populations is imperative for doing external and internal fixation and also for designing prosthesis. Therefore the present study was conducted to measure the morphometric parameters of calcaneum in UP region. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 1000 calcaneum bones available in osteology section of Department of Anatomy, KGMU. 500 left and 500 right calcaneum bones were measured for maximum length, anterior eadth, middle eadth, and posterior eadth. Mean± SD were calculated for all the measurements of left and right side and were compared to see the effect of laterality. Statistical analysis was done by version SPSS 15.0. Results and conclusion: Calcaneum of left side (75±5.78 mm) was longer than right side (74.24±6.13mm) and the difference was statistically significant (p value=0.001). Anterior width on left side was 28.52±1.95 mm and right side was 28.02±2.11mm;middle width on left side was 41.56±1.95 mm, on right side was 40.82±2.17mm and posterior width of left and right side was 29.93±2.08 mm and 29.31±2.25 mm respectively. At all the three levels observed, calcaneum was wider on left side as compared to right and the difference was statistically highly significant (p value <0.001). In present study left dominant pattern in all the measurements of calcaneum was observed

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Surendra Pratap, Jyoti Chopra, Anita Rani, Effect of Laterality on Morphometric Measurements of Calcaneum, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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