Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Effect of growing media on nutrient profile of conventional and hydroponic maize fodder

Weldegerima Kide Gebremedhin

Abstract :

The study was conducted at the Instructional livestock farm, Agriculture College, D.B.S.K.K. Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Ratnagiri district (M.S), India. The experiment was aimed to identify the effect of growing media on nutrient profile of conventional and hydroponic maize fodder. Hydroponic maize fodder was procured from hydroponic unit of the department while conventional maize fodder was grown on soil through frequent watering and management and harvested at 60 days of growth stage.100 g of conventional and 6th, 7th and 8th–day hydroponic fodders were sampled for proximate analysis. The Crude protein content of hydroponic maize fodder was highest (P<0.05) 14.56±0.29% than conventional maize fodder 9.82±0.35% and maize seed 7.6±0.63% while Ether extract observed as 4.67±0.19% at 8th–day growth periods was highest (P<0.05) than conventional maize fodder 2.35±0.46% and seed form (2.8±0.20%). The crude fie content of maize seed was denoted as 6.5±0.55% and progressed (P<0.05) likely to 10.0±0.17% hydroponic and 22.23±0.04% conventional fodder where as NFE value was 68.47±1.63% and 53.46±1.47% in hydroponic and conventional fodder, respectively. The value of total ash and AIA content was highest (P<0.05) in conventional fodder (6.27±0.05% & 1.36±0.06%) than hydroponic maize fodder (2.83±0.03% & 0.32±0.01%). Therefore, hydroponically grown maize fodder had shown increased nutrient profile such as crude protein, ether extract and nitrogen free extract along with improved fresh fodder weight and less fiber content than conventional maizefodder.

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Weldegerima Kide Gebremedhin Effect of Growing Media on Nutrient Profile of Conventional and Hydroponic Maize Fodder International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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