Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Effect of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Environmental Concepts in Chemistry

Chinwe Nwagbo, Ifeoma Okonkwo

Abstract :

This study investigated the effect of concept map-ping teaching strategy on students’ achievement in en-vironmental concepts in Chemistry. The influence of gender on students’ achievement was also investi-gated. The design was quasi-experimental, specifically the non-equivalent control group design. The sample consisted of 313 Senior Secondary two Chemistry stu-dents, randomly drawn from four schools. Two re-search questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Environmental Chemistry Concepts Achieve-ment Test (ECCAT) was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance. Results revealed that students in the experimental group (concept mapping) had sig-nificantly higher achievement mean score than those of the control group (lecture method). It was concluded that concept mapping is better than lecture method in enhancing students’ achievement in environmental concepts in chemistry. The result also revealed that the male students significantly achieved higher than the females. The implications of the findings were high-lighted.

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Chinwe Nwagbo, Ifeoma Okonkwo Effect of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Environmental Concepts in Chemistry International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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