Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Effect of Alkalinizing Local Anaesthtic in Epidural Anaethsia–an Evaluation Using 7.5% Sodium Bicarbonate

Dr. Srivishnu Vardhan Yallapragada

Abstract :

Efforts to find a better adjuvant in regional anesthesia are underway since long. Many agents were proved to be effective in providing a same pharmacological benefit by different mechanisms of action. In this study we sought to investigate the effect of alkalinising a local anesthetic. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Sodium bicarbonate as an adjuvant to Lidocaine in epidural anesthesia. Methodology: Sixty patients scheduled for lower limb trauma orthopaedic surgeries under epidural anesthesia were divided into two groups C and S with 30 in each. Patients in group C received 12.5ml of 2% Lidocaine + 1.5ml Normal saline making a total volume of 14ml. Patients in group S received 12.5ml of 2% Lidocaine + 1.5ml of 7.5% Sodium bicarbonate making a total volume of 14ml. Onset, time for peak sensory level, time for two segment regression and the total Mephentaramine consumed to maintain the hemodynamics were recorded, tabulated and statistically analysed. Results: The onset of sensory block and the time for attaining peak sensory level were quicker in group S. The time for two segment regression and the requirement of Mephentaramine were similar in both the groups. Conclusion: Sodium bicarbonate is effective in hastening the onset and spread of sensory blockade when used as an adjuvant to epidural Lidocaine, but does not have much influence on the duration of anesthesia and the hemodynamic stability

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Dr.Srivishnu Vardhan Yallapragada Effect of Alkalinizing Local Anaesthtic in Epidural Anaethsia-an Evaluation Using 7.5% Sodium Bicarbonate International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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