Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Education as an Instrument of Women Empowerment in India

Dr. Md. Asaad Raza

Abstract :

 Women education in India has ever been a major preoccupation of the government as well as civil society. Education is the primary criterion for human development and right to education is a fundamental human right. Educating a woman creates a vital opportunity for the social and economic development of the country and society. Nowadays, women are equally  efficient like men in all walks of life. Education is the milestone for women empowerment because it enables them to respond properly to the  challenges they face in their life. Women’s education in rural areas is alarming. Education of women is the most powerful tool to make them  confident and change their position in the society. This paper tries to find the relationship between inequality in education and women empowerment. A number of corrective measures are suggested to empower women by providing them quality education.

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Dr. Md. Asaad Raza Education as an Instrument of Women Empowerment in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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