Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Early Syringomyelia in Tubercular Meningitis: A Rare Complication

Dr. Shilpa Avarebeel, Dr. Mohan Goudar, Dr. Tejaswini C. J, Dr. K. A. Sudharshana Murthy, Dr. Srinath K. M

Abstract :

Tubercular meningitis (TBM) can have varied early and delayed complications involving ain or spinal cord. Although syringomyelia can occur sometimes as a late complication of tubercular meningitis, its occurrence in early stages of TBM is very rare. There are only two published case reports of syringomyelia in acute stage of TBM. We report a patient with tubercular meningitis who developed syringomyelia in early disease course. A 26–year–old male presented with history of fever since 15 days and and 1 episode of generalised tonic clonic convulsions 1 day before admission followed by altered sensorium. Patient’s history and clinical examination was suggestive of chronic meningitis. Cereospinal fluid analysis showed evidence of TBM. Patient was started on antitubercular drugs and during treatment course he developed acute onset of motor weakness of lower limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed dorsal syrinx extending from D11 to L 1 region. After physiotherapy there was improvement in motor power.  

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DR. SHILPA AVAREBEEL, DR. MOHAN GOUDAR, DR. TEJASWINI C.J, DR.K. A. SUDHARSHANA MURTHY, DR. SRINATH K.M Early Syringomyelia in Tubercular Meningitis: A Rare Occurrence International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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