Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017


Rossen Mihajlov, Diliyana Stoeva, Blagovesta Pencheva

Abstract :

 This study was conducted in 153 healthy volunteers (controls) and 314 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), assigned into two subgroups (with and without hypertension) to establish the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the AU (A1, A2, A3) and GFR in different stages of DN.

In diabetics and controls we performed a detailed clinical examination, analysis of the parameters: glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, cystatin C, in blood, albumin, albumin percentage of the total protein, ACR, PCR, creatinine in the urine; GFR with creatinine and cystatin C.

In the control group consisting of 153 volunteers the albumin concentration in the urine is of the A1 albuminuria type, below 30 mg / l. The albumin percentage in the urine of the total protein is X = 26, ACR X = 2.47, PCR X = 10.5. Changes in most of the parameters are more pronounced in the subgroup 2 compared  subgroup  1. 77 patients of the first subgroup – 50.7% are with albuminuria A1, with albuminuria A2 – 71 patients – 46.7% and with albuminuria A3 – only 4 patients – 2.6%, and in the second subgroup there are 71 patients (43.8%), 85 patients (52.5%) also with albuminuria A36 patients (3.7%) respectively..

Early diagnosis of DN requires that laboratory diagnostics begins as soon as diabetes type 2 is registered including AU, PU, ??ACR, PCR, albumin percentage of total protein and GFR. To estimate GFR it is best to use the combined formula with creatinine and the new biomarker cystatin C. The hypertension in diabetics increases the likelihood of more frequent and severe kidney damage, demonstrated by stronger increase in protein parameters and stronger reduction of GFR

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Rossen Mihajlov, Diliyana Stoeva, Blagovesta Pencheva, EARLY DIAGNOSTICS OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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