Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014


Mr. B. Muthukrishnan , Mrs. D. Ramadevi , Dr. S. A. Senthil Kumar

Abstract :

This study focuses on E-banking service quality and identified various factors of E- banking service quality, i.e., access, communication, competence, credibility, reliability, responsiveness, security, tangibility, Courtesy and understanding. Main objective of the study is to understood and analyze the service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction level with E-banking services on banking sectors. Study was descriptive in nature and Cluster sampling was used and sample sizes are 150. Mean score and t-test were used for analysis. Researcher found that overall customer’s were satisfied with E-banking services. E-banking provides the customer benefits such as cost minimization, quick service and easy way bank transaction. The comparison between E-banking and traditional banking, the E-banking service is better than traditional banking services. Finally researcher suggests some measures to improve the E- banking service quality and to increases the customer satisfaction level.

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Mr. B. Muthukrishnan , Mrs.D.Ramadevi , Dr.S.A.Senthil kumar E-BANKING SERVICE QUALITY: LOOK AHEAD TOWARDS CUSTOMERS PERCEPTION International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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