Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Amogh Mangalam, Manoj Hande, Prof. S. Skadam

Abstract :

In all the method, influence coefficient measured from the experiment, which is later used to calculate the balance correction mass along with the phase angle. Measuring the Unbalance response each time is difficult. In this project the balancing of rotor is achieving by the using the influence coefficient method along the Finite element methodology in which response of the structure is calculated by frequency response analysis. Influence coefficient suggested by Thearle in 1934 is two planes balancing method need not required the rotor and beå properties to perform the calculation. Only the assumption is that the viation measured is linear product of the unbalance and influence coefficients.To use the influence coefficient method at least two planes are required with arbitrary unbalance in the rotor. By using this method balance correction along with the relative phase angle is calculated which is used to simulate the modified model of rotor system in the finite element. Modal analysis and frequency response analysis is conducted in FE software to generate the mode shape and response in the structure. The simulation is carried on original as well as on the modified design to compare the response. The analysis performed is similar to the lateral analysis of the rotor and similar boundary condition is applied to the rotor shaft

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Amogh Mangalam, Manoj Hande, Prof.S.SKadam Dynamic Balancing of the Rotor System Using Influence Coeffcient Method and Finite Element Method International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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