Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Drug prescribing pattern in fever in a paediatric ward In a tertiary care hospital of India

Ghosh Sidhartha, Roychaudhury Sugata

Abstract :

 Fever is one of most common clinical symptoms managed by paediatricians and other health care providers and accounts up to one–third of all presenting conditions in children. [1]

Fever is not an illness but a physiologic mechanism that has beneficial effects against infection.[2–4] Fever primarily enhances neutrophil production and T–lymphocyte proliferation, retards the growth and reproduction of bacteria and viruses, and aids in the body’s acute–phase reaction.[5–9] Data show beneficial effects on certain components of the immune system in fever, and limited data have revealed that fever actually helps the body recover more quickly from viral infections, although the fever may result in discomfort in children.[5, 10–12] 

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Ghosh Sidhartha, Roychaudhury Sugata, Drug prescribing pattern in fever in a paediatric ward In a tertiary care hospital of India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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