Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Dose Dependent Impact of Lead Chromate on Selected Haematological and Biochemical Parameters of Swiss Albino Mice

Reshma Sinha, Doris D Souza

Abstract :

After application of Lead chromate ( 75 mg/kg/bw/day, 100 mg/kg/bw/day and 150 mg/kg/bw/day) on Swiss albino mice, haematological and biochemical parameters were estimated at a time interval of 15 days, 1 m, 2m and 3m. At all doses, Total Erythrocyte Count, Haemoglobin content, Total Protein and Albumin levels decreased while Urea level was increased.

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Reshma Sinha, Doris D’Souza Dose Dependent Impact of Lead Chromate on Selected Haematological and Biochemical Parameters of Swiss Albino Mice International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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