Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Donors Hemovigilance: An Institutional study

Dr. Subhashish Das, Dr. Chaitra

Abstract :

 Introduction: Although blood donation is considered to be a safe procedure, around 2 % to 3% of voluntary blood donors experience adverse events of varying severity that needs to be addressed adequately in order to ensure safe transfusion services. We undertook this study in order to estimate the frequency and type of adverse events & to suggest remedial measures to minimize them. Materials and Methods: Voluntary donors was selected as per guidelines laid down in Drugs & Cosmetics Act, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 350 ml of blood was collected from donors weighing between 45 –55 kg and 450 ml from those weighing more than 55 kg. Minimum eligible haemoglobin (Hb) level was considered to be 12.5 gm%. Hb screening was done by copper sulphate (CuSo4) method. Donors were closely observed during and after donation for any adverse events (AE). Results: In the 2 year study period from January 2014 to December 2015. 25,000 whole blood donations were collected, of which 20,000 were voluntary and 5000 were replacement donors. AE’s were recorded in 350 donors. Of the 350 AE’s, 280 were pre–syncopal or vasovagal reaction. Syncopal minor reactions observed in 40 cases characterized by transient loss of consciousness, lasting for few seconds. Haematoma formation was observed in 20 donors. Minor events such as tingling, numbers, soreness of arm, local allergy, etc were observed in 7 donors. There were 3 major events one each of convulsion, loss of bladder sphincter control and accidental arterial puncture were noted. Appropriate statistical analysis were done. Conclusion: AE analysis helps in identifying the donors at risk and adopting environmentally appropriate measures to reduce risk and improve donor satisfaction in order to ensure regular supply of blood and blood products and there by maintain an effective hospital transfusion service.

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Dr. Subhashish Das, Dr. Chaitra Donors Hemovigilance: An Institutional study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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