Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Donor Aided Projects Through Ngos and Their Impact on The Socio–Economic Welfare in India

S. Ranganadhan

Abstract :

As the World is heading towards more decentralized way in addressing the socio-economical Welfare issues, the role and scope of Non Governmental organization has also increased to a larger extent. The foreign donor’s role in providing monetary support in tackling issues related to socio-economical issues is also appreciable, even with so much of fiscal support from donor countries from west the Socio-Economical development is still in the stage of infancy due many constraints. The success of projects is to be understood by qualitative out come and help reach the results to real communities. The analysis reveals that the donor aided project mechanism suffers from reasonably addressable issues which need clarification. This paper will helps to closely analyse the hurdles which are nullifying the growth effects.

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S. Ranganadhan Donor Aided Projects Through Ngos and Their Impact on The Socio-Economic Welfare in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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