Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Does the type of diet influence Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases

Dr. Gaffar Sarwar Zaman

Abstract :

Aims and Objectives: Dietary pattern may enhance or decrease the risk factors associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of different vegetarian diets on type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiac diseases. Materials and Methods: Consumption of selected food items were assessed by a questionnaire. Does who were diabetic, hypertensive or had cardiovascular disease were also assessed by a questionnaire and compared by blood pressure measurements, tests for fasting and postprandial plasma glucose and ECG. Results: No significant numbers of diabetics, hypertensives or heart disease patients were found in the vegan, lacto–vegetarian, lacto–ovo vegetarian, pesco–vegetarian type but quite a number of diabetics (24.64%), hypertensives (19.57%) and heart disease (6.52%) patients were found in the non–vegetarians. Conclusions: Compared to non–vegetarian diets, vegan diet, lacto–vegetarian diets, lacto–ovo–vegetarian diets and pesco–vegetarian diets seem to offer additional protection for hypertension, type–2 diabetes mellitus and cardivascular diseases

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Dr. GAFFAR SARWAR ZAMAN Does the type of diet influence Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Hypertension and Cardio-vascular Diseases International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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