Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Does the Parental history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus affect the prevalence of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Adolescents?

Pratibha Sharma, Anita Chalak

Abstract :

 Objectives: The objectives of our study were to compare biochemical and anthropometric parameters and prevalence of IRS in adolescents of diabetic and non–diabetic parents. Material and methods: It is an observational analytical case–control study. In this study 100 adolescents of non diabetic parents (control group) and 50 age and sex matched adolescents of diabetic parents (study group) participated. All subjects were evaluated for WC, BMI, BP, FBS, fasting Lipid profile, insulin levels, IR and β–cell function by standard methods. Results: Mean WC in study and control group were 83.49 ± 11.35 cm and 78.31 ± 11.38 cm respectively. It was significantly high in study group as compared to control group (p= 0.01). Other parameters were also high in study group. According to Adult Treatment Panel III criteria the prevalence of IRS was 6% and 12% in control and study group respectively. Conclusion: On the basis of our study we can conclude that adolescents of diabetic parents are on the edge of IRS and later the DM, as IRS is a constant precursor for type–2 DM, which starts 10–20 years before development of type–2 DM.

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Pratibha Sharma, Anita Chalak Does the Parental history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus affect the prevalence of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Adolescents? International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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