Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Disease Diagnosis by using Cox PH and Frailty models

E. Kumar, M. Muthuvijayalakshmi, R. Ravanan

Abstract :

 Disease diagnosis is one of the challenging tasks in the medical field. Several techniques are available for classification , In this paper, we have concentrated on the Cox PH model and Frailty model with applications to clinical trails. The oad objectives of this paper to study new approaches for treatment–patient interactions using frailty models. The output results are carried out by compå the models which gives the better result.

Keywords :

Cox PH   Frailty   TB.  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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E.Kumar, M.Muthuvijayalakshmi, R.Ravanan Disease Diagnosis by using Cox PH and Frailty models International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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