Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Discussion Skills in ELt Classroom

D. Vijaya Lakshmi, Zehrabi

Abstract :

English becomes a lingua franca in this era of globalization. All urban areas have already enhanced English language learning. Now-a-days rural students are also developing their language skills. The advent of professional English courses has changed the scenario of English teaching. English language laboratories introduce student centred language learning. This language laboratory is a platform for the rural students to improve their skills. Among all the skills discussion skills are indispensable. Most of the multi-national companies like WIPRO, INFOSYS, TECH MAHENDRA etc., are also coming to the Engineering Colleges in rural areas to recruit the students. Their major concentration is on discussion skills rather than writing skills. The rate of employability is based on the performance of the students. The involvement of the teacher makes the students learn the skills easily. Spontaneous discussions enhance student’s motivation, intellectuality and democratic habits.

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D.VIJAYA LAKSHMI, ZEHRABI Discussion Skills in ELt Classroom International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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