Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Direct Stakeholders of Self Help Groups in North Eastern India: An Assessment

Sanjay Kanti Das , Dr. A. Ibemcha Chanu

Abstract :

India now occupies a significant place and a niche in global microfinance through promotion of the Self Help Groups (henceforth SHGs) and the home grown SHG-Bank Linkage (SBLP) model. A rapid growth has been observed in the SBLP during the last decade and particularly in the last few years. While the numbers in the SHG movement is quite impressive, there is a lack of quality in the movement. Today, there are several agencies working for SHG promotion in the country. Several rating systems for SHGs have been developed in the past. It is observed that different stakeholders have promoted SHGs with different expectations and understanding, and have sorted different parameters of quality of SHGs. Further, it is necessary to identify a common ground and set appropriate benchmarks for SHGs operation. In this context Sa-Dhan published a discussion paper in 2003 wherein group of key stakeholders provides a common understanding about the quality assessment parameters for SHGs. The key objective of this paper is to review and identify the major key stakeholders (e.g. Donor, Promoters and Financial Institutions) of SHGs in North East India (NER) in general and Assam in particular. A modest effort is given to review the major stake holders of SHGs in North East India in general and Assam in Particular.

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Sanjay Kanti Das , Dr. A. Ibemcha Chanu Direct Stakeholders of Self Help Groups in North Eastern India: An Assessment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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