Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Dimension of Man in Islam and Saiva Siddhanta– A Comparative Study

Mohammed Ikbal. P

Abstract :

The comparative study about the dimension of man is an interesting one. Man is the multifaceted creature of God having a separate identity and he is oadly defined from various perspectives such as social, religious, philosophical and scientific angles. The features which distinguish man from other beings and make him as “Unique Creature by God” have been analyzed in this comparative study. The peculiarities of the dimension of man oadly defined in terms of his character, views, morality, and spirituality have been compared with the ideas of Islam and Saiva Siddhanta. In Islam and Saiva Siddhanta, the final goal is same but the path is different i.e. method of worship, place of worship, religious text etc.; But both system is good for man and avoids the evils from the society.

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Mohammed Ikbal. P Dimension of Man in Islam and Saiva Siddhanta- A Comparative Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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