Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Digital Watermarking on CameraCaptured Color Images

Ms. Ankita P. Deshmukh, Dr. S. R. Suralkar

Abstract :

Digital watermarking provides secured communication. Due to vast expansion of Internet, digital data such as audio, images and videos has been used on a large scale for communication. To protect these digital media it is essential to use digital watermarking for authentication, copyrights and security purposes. This paper describes the detail concept of digital watermarking and the main contribution in the field of steganography. In image Steganography, a secret communication is achieved to hide a message into cover image (the original image where the message is been incorporated) and generate a stenographic–image (image with the incorporated message).

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Ms. Ankita P. Deshmukh, Dr. S.R.Suralkar Digital Watermarking on Camera Captured Color Images International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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