Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


M. Kalidasan, Dr. A. S. Nageswaran

Abstract :

<p>The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of different trainings on power of sprinters, twenty male college participants from bharathidasan university was selected as participants and they were ranged from 19 to 23 years. The selected participants were randomly assigned to one of Two groups of ten each (n=10). The Group I underwent combined training and Group II underwent complex training for duration of 8 week of 24 morning sessions with alternative three days per week in addition to the regular training programme. The Criterion variable explosive power (Horizondal) and explosive power (vertical) were selected as a dependent variables and the selected dependent variables were assessed by the standardized test items. Explosive power (horizondal) was assessed by standing oad jump unit of measurement in meters and explosive power (vertical) was assessed by sargent jump unit of measurement in meters. The experimental design selected for this study was pre and post test random group design. The data were collected from each participant before and after the training period and statistically analyzed by using dependent ‘t’ test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to find out significant difference if any between the experimental group. It was found that there was a significant improvement and significant different exist due to the effect of combined training, complex training on explosive power of sprinters.</p>

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M.KALIDASAN, Dr. A.S. NAGESWARAN Differrent Trainings on Power of Sprinters International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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