Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Differential Evolution Based Power Quality Disturbance Identification and Mitigation in Power Systems

K. Veera Sukumar, Dr. L. Ravi Srinivas, B. Mahesh Babu, Dr. S. S. . Tulasi Ram

Abstract :

Power quality problems such as voltage imbalance, sag, swell, and current harmonics are due to non-linear loads. The device unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is used to mitigate both the voltage and current disturbances. The synchronous reference frame theory is used to generate reference signals of UPQC. In UPQC, the DC link capacitor voltage is controlled by conventional PI controller then optimized PI-DE is used to estimate new reference values. Here the optimization is carried out by taking minimization of the THD as objective function. The performances are observed by using simulations conducted in MATLAB 7.9 / simulink software.

Keywords :

PQ   PCC   UPQC   SRF   HCC)   DE   

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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K.VEERA SUKUMAR, Dr. L. RAVI SRINIVAS, B. MAHESH BABU, Dr. S. S.. TULASI RAM Differential Evolution Based Power Quality Disturbance Identification and Mitigation in Power Systems International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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