Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Diagnostic Value of Exfoliative cytology in evaluation of serous effusions

Dr. P. C. Kol, Dr. Santosh K. Singh, Dr. U. R. Singh

Abstract :

  Background and Aims – Diagnostic cytology is the science of interpretation of cells derived from human body which either exfoliates freely from epithelial surface or removed from various tissue source by artificial mean. The cytological examination of exfoliated cells in the body fluid is an important tool in diagnosis. The present study was carried out to establish the usefulness of exfoliative cytology in serous effusions and correlate the findings with clinical diagnosis. Materials and Methods – A Total of 180 serous effusions samples received for cytopathological examination over the period of 2 years were analyzed. Cytomorphological features of effusions were studied. Results – The effusion samples comprised of peritoneal (103), pleural (96), and pericardial (1) fluids. A total of 47.78% samples were transudative and 52.22% were exudative. A definitive diagnosis of malignancy could be given in 30 (16.66%) of these cases. Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent cause of malignant peritoneal (75%) and pleural effusions (64.28%). Conclusions – Fluid cytology is an important diagnostic tool and can be applied as a first line diagnostic procedure, the techniques is simple, relatively painless, cost effective, less time consuming and produces very quick results.

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Dr. P.C. Kol, Dr. Santosh K. Singh, Dr. U.R. Singh Diagnostic Value of Exfoliative Cytology in Evaluation of Serous Effusions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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