Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance for Embedded Bist RAms

U. Siva Nagaraju, Dr. A. Sahaya Anselin Nisha

Abstract :

Due to poor controllability and observability of address, control and data lines embedded RAMs are extremely very difficult to test.the memory cell in embedded RAM have faults like stuck-at faults,coupling faults, data retention faults and idging faults. To address this concern we developed a method which is used to detect the fault, isolate the location of the fault and can predict the remaining useful performance of embedded BIST RAMs.

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U.Siva Nagaraju, Dr.A.sahaya Anselin Nisha Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance for Embedded Bist RAms International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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