Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Dexmeditomidine Versus Propofol When Used For Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery Under Regional Anaesthesia

Dr. Anita B. Patel, Dr. Lissa Abraham

Abstract :

We compared the time of onset and offset of sedation using Dexmeditomidine and propofol also postoperative analgesia.Fifty patients scheduled for elective surgery under regional anaesthesia were randomly selected for this study to receive either Dexmeditomidine(1 μgm/ kg) intial loading dose for 10 min; maintenance 0.4–0.7 μgm /kg/h or propofol 75 μg/ kg /min for 10 min followed by 12.5–75 μg/ kg /min. Hemodynamic variables ( heart rate and mean arterial pressure ), sedation (Observer assessment of sedation /Alertness), respiratory rate , oxygen saturation and pain ( Visual Analogue Scale) were determined during surgery and 90 min postoperatively.sedation achieved with propofol was more rapid and caused decrease in MAP more than dexmeditomidine . dexmeditomidine resulted in more sedation and improved postoperative analgesia with no effect on respiratory rate

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Dr. Anita B. Patel, Dr.Lissa Abraham Dexmeditomidine Versus Propofol When Used For Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery Under Regional Anaesthesia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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