Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Development Programs among the Kondareddis: a Primitive Tribal Group in Andhra Pradesh

Dr P Thiripalu

Abstract :

This topic covers tribal’s development programmes so this papers only research purpose The tribal population in the State of Andhra Pradesh, and in the country as a whole, is the most deprived and vulnerable community that faces severe economic exclusion.Although certain constitutional safeguards are provided, no significant economic, social and political mobility has taken place across this community. Contrary to Scheduled Castes and other Backward Castes who witnessed certain degrees of progress because ofprotective discrimination policies of the government, the Scheduled Tribes remain abysmally backward and socially excluded, still living in harsh environs. Our paper onPolitical Economy of Tribal Development: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh, delineates the situation of the Scheduled Tribes in the background of various policies of the state during the successive plan periods and its impact on their socio-economic mobility. Politically, this community is the most voiceless in the state. Sources : Political Economy of Tribal Development: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh Dr. M. Gopinath Reddy Dr. K. Anil Kumar

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Dr P THIRIPALU Development Programs among the Kondareddis: a Primitive Tribal Group in Andhra Pradesh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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