Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Development of Mastery Learning Based Resource Material in Science for Class Iv: A Study

Dr. Mrs. Nasrin

Abstract :

Mastery learning proposes that all children can learn when provided with the appropriate learning conditions in class-room. Learning of Mastery or mastery learning are terms coined by Benzamine Bloom in 1968 and 1971 respectively. Bloom hypothesized that a classroom with a mastery learning focus as opposed to the traditional form of instruction would reduce the achievement gaps between varying groups of students. In this study mastery learning based resource material was developed for class IV in the subject science. The content of resource material was ‘force’, ‘work’ and ‘energy’. The material was divided into units ranging from simple to complex. Students of class IV were taught step by step and after completion of one unit they were appeared in a test to find out what they have learned. The test scores was considered as achievement scores of the students. Pre-Post experimental design was adopted for the study. The findings of the study showed that through mastery learning students achieved better than traditional method of teaching.

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Dr. (Mrs.) NASRIN Development of Mastery Learning Based Resource Material in Science for Class Iv: A Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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