Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Development of fifth in star female larva of Antheraea mylitta D.(Saturniidae) on different food plants at different altitudes during rainy season

L. K. Jena, A. K. Dash, B. Behera

Abstract :

Antheraea mylitta Drury, theIndian tropical tasar silk insect is polyphagous in nature and feeds on a number of food plants available in the natural forests. The fifth instar larva is the most crucial stage for growth and post larval life of the insect. So, the growth parameters like length, eadth and weight of fifth instar female larva were evaluated in the reå fields at, Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India duringrainy season at different altitudes. Significantly the highest values of growth parameters were recorded in case of the larvae raised on Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn) food plant at all the altitudes during rainy season. In view of comparatively superior performance of all the growth parameters of the mature female larva, the eight species of food plants considered for study were graded in the order Sal> Asan > Arjun > Ber > Sidha > Dha > Bahada >Jamun.

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L. K. Jena, A. K. Dash, B. Behera Developmentof fifth instar female larva ofAntheraea mylitta D.(Saturniidae) ondifferent food plants atdifferentaltitudes during rainy season International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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